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You know, when i started MNF a couple years ago, i quickly put it at my favorite AVN. Couldn't wait for the next release. And then you came out with MNM and now I'm just sitting here thinking "fuck mnf GIVE ME ANNA DAMMIT!"

still excited for mnf true ending

10/10 keep up the great work

your not the only one, mnf was favorite and it was my first avn too. so it holds a special place and i really am concerned about its direction in mnf 2 and which engine he is going to use. Right now all I can think of is MNM, the story itself is actually better written? maybe because of all the experience k7 got from writing mnf, because there is a definite improvement between the 2, in fact you can see the improvement in writing occur after the lucy storyline, but i felt the last few updates where rushed and the quality of writing nowhere near mnm, but i guess it what happens when trying to develop 2 vn's at the same time, time constraints etc. not a criticism just an observation really.