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Day 09:  First video.

Basically I was hoping to get my game one step further before making this video, but here you are, made it anyway.

Currently you can see the map drawn and people moving around the roads. If they hit one of "escape" tiles, they disappear, these escape tiles are all at edges of screen.

You can also see red dots (humans) that keep going where ever, these are people who start inside buildings, I havent done anything to handle people inside buildings, so it is not actually a bug that they keep flying around, it is just that I havent done anything to them. But rest of people keep walking on roads.

You can also see first robots squad coming, red one is leader, and rest are following him independently. I decided not to use robotx = leaderx * 2, but instead made it so that robots target is leaderx * 2, and he tries to get there independently.

Leader checks every 10 cycles hes target again, this is in case building gets destroyed for example, so he then sets toward next closest building.

When leader reaches the tile he is targeting at (in this case, closest tile next to closest building tile), it will then stop and change the mode of itself to be independent and it also changes every followers state into independent. After that everyone is independently lookin for closest building tile.

I am planning to have it so that only for example three robots would aim at same tile, and if more are about to come, then they would already target some other tiles closest to them, excluding the already occupied ones. This step i had hoped to achieve still before making the video, but right now they are just all going at same tile, creating enough of yellow rectangles on top of each other.