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Hey, I've tried downloading the pdf multiple times and by multiple methods, but all it will download is the png file (despite specifically selecting the pdf version). I'm not entirely sure what's wrong, but I've had no trouble downloading several other pdf projects from Itch in the past hour so it may be that the file needs to be reuploaded?


Hello! first off apologies for the late reply this comment was left in the middle of the night for my timezone. And I'm sorry about that, I've reuploaded the flie so that should fix any issues hopefully. But this is the first time someone has reported this problem so I'm not sure if it's anything on my end. If it still doesn't work I can message you/email you the pdf also :)

(1 edit)

I just tested it and that fixed the issue, thank you!

Also no worries about replying late, I didn't expect to hear back for at least a day, maybe even for a few. Not everyone runs on the same clock and I'd hope for the same understanding if roles were reversed. Thanks for getting back to me promptly! (according to my expectations, anyway)


That's great to hear that it's fixed! and thanks for letting me know, I take people's enjoyments of my zines/ability to access stuff they get from me very seriously so wanted to make you aware that if I could have responded sooner I would have :)