Thank you for experiencing our... session). Your feedback really helps us to develop the better game further.
Aye, "female" is used for narrative reasons. At first, it was Male and Female Voice. Then it changed into even more vague. Since this small game is a Prologue (and a test of skills) to the long-play in development, we're not making the whole story clear. It's a bit of a teaser, I think, but we can't tell more since the narrative of our future OutopiA: Hindsight game can be ruined by any specifics. Anyway, there are hooves and there are footprints - that is kinda clue.
Lots of stuff seems not very obvious, well, it's the lack of time and skill for polish, which we're gaining in at the moment. Sound puzzle is a bit bugged also, which is why we posted the solution. We should have added something to the Vines, to let know where to Neigh/Hit; this kind of issues would be fixed in our future releases, of course.
The Moon scene is quite similar to the idea of hitting Vines. You just have to Neigh and Hit the swaying Lantern to get to the finals (best hit in the center). We'd appreciate if you could manage to the very end, for the Moon scene is actually the last you really play in. And... yeah, we forgot to lock the borders, for we never thought one would stray off (but, aye, we should have!).
We've already made a list of edits and improvements to the game in development based on the feedback and own post-jam tests. Very productive event. Thank you once again!