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A hilarious game that would have benefitted from some much-needed play-testing . . .

This game is . . . VERY buggy. In the entrance-hub where on the left there's the NPC you can talk to, sometimes you can jump on that NPC-platform first-try!, sometimes you cannot, for whatever RNGeesus-reason. And speaking of that NPC, pressing the "talk"-button (if it even is that, correct me if I'm wrong) does nothing while pressing E magically does! And that hasn't been indicated anywhere because this game has no instructions/tutorial of any kind

Sometimes you spawn in with a gun when the game starts, sometimes you don't but you still have ammo and can shoot anyway! And shooting will deplete this said ammo. And in that same spawn-point, I was somehow able to glitch myself an infinite jump to jump in place for much higher than I'm intended to

After talking to the NPC and heading further left, you go into . . . place x that isn't named. It looks like a warehouse, the place where by going left you can go to "house" (a house . . . within a house? Shouldn't it have been cellar?" and by going right you'd go to "sewerage". If one goes to the "house", the Health-meter stops displaying. And I'm sure I'd be able to break the game in many other ways if I'd just have enough patience to go through everything.

As far as I'm concerned, the chainsaw does nothing! It has no sound-effects and it doesn't seem to deal any damage. And in the "house" there's a . . . giant chainsaw-pickup for whatever reason, seems to be the same chainsaw regardless. Also the game has no pause-menu. Pressing esc. just kicks you back to the title screen, which was annoying to find out the first time around . . .

And still to this very day I have no damn clue what one is supposed to do in that boss-level

I will say this though: The game looks decent (although some of the animations are deffo janky. But I mean visually neat), I digs it ~ Also the music is a great choice, although not your own. But I can't complain too much since not everybody found a composer for them, even if in #find-a-team there was an overabundance of them apparently (other people's words, but I've observed this for myself too). I like the intro, even if it would have been cool if one could skip it. And the theme of this game in general is just goofy fun, nothing wrong with goofy fun!

I'm the kind of person who usually doesn't like goofy fun, and even I can appreciate this game's tone! There's a juicy idea buried behind all of the waffling, which is why I'm disappointed not going to lie


There was too little time and I forgot to write about the letter "e" in the description


also there are no hearts in the house because there was a problem with the layers in the game I will fix it thanks for finding the bugs!


All good mate, that's what I'm here for ~