How do you prevent capitalism from becoming "crony capitalism."
break up the mega corporations like amazon, verizon, google, facebook, twitter,etc. the Sherman Antitrust act of 1915 was made for this very purpose.
I said prevent
Lol yeah? Then how do you prevent government power from expanding again?
Lmao bet. You have no idea how to make a real distinction between capitalism and "crony capitalism" because the latter is literally just capitalism given time. You have no idea how to prevent "crony capitalism" because the only way how is socialism.
"A government of private interests is fundamentally the same as a government of public interests.
Every government is the same; feudalism, oligarchy, democracy all develop exactly identically even if they have different starting points.
I am very smart."
If you put a gun to their head yeah they'll stop being pieces of shit.
Oh but I'm sorry, I almost forgot, you're only okay with ineffective methods like voting and sending letters.
Anything else is aUtHoRiTaRiAn