So well written and atmospheric. I really like the tiny usage of blue in the black and white locations. I don't think it needs any other colors :) I especially liked the frog, the way it changed color from the environment to your inventory. Each little character had its own unique charm. Very logical puzzles and it felt rewarding piecing them together, having some idea of what to do with each item as I acquired it.
I almost found the text a little hard to read due to the font, mainly the curls on the lowercase 'y' kept telling my brain it was a 'g.' The audio that is present is delightful, yet almost felt a little too empty at times. The side-to-side scrolling felt a tad sluggish, and when my mouse went outside of the window it didn't scroll at all, slightly immersion breaking. All in all, this is a very polished submission and a delight to experience. Best of luck continuing the project!