I don't play RPGmaker games much, and apparently this doesn't affect everyone, so it might not be too common of a thing, but both this game and the last one suffered from some random video freezes (gameplay would continue, sounds would still play, but video would freeze and never restart, basically requires a reset). It was rare in CH.1, but upon opening this game I took one step and it locked. XD So I looked into it.
Apparently this is due to a bug in how the RPGmaker engine renders graphics. Google rpgmaker graphicsrenderfix and look for the result that's on RPGmaker's forum (or follow this link: here) for people that found a recommended fix. Basically, there's a .js file to add to the plugins folder. It seems to have worked for me as an end user, but it can also just be packaged with the game.
Edit: Ok, it didn't exactly work. Froze again after making this post. I don't really know how RPGmaker implements its plugins.