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(5 edits)


It is I, LunarMoon! The internet's favourite degenerate otaku who has come to crawl out of her hole and and answer the most esteemed, the most crucial and the most important question of all eternity. The question that has started countless arguments (nay) wars amongst world leaders and countries alike. The question that no mortal can ever truly answer, but will die trying. That very question is...

Who is the hottest Genshin Impact character?

Now it's been a hot minute since I've played this game (try 2 years). but I have been steadily following its updates and all the cool characters they've released since then. And regardless of every new character that is released, one thing remains constant: they are pretty. Like REALLY pretty. And it is a crime against humanity that there isn't some complex dating system in the game.  It would probably gain thousands of new players just by the dating feature alone. So I've decided to take 5 of my favourite characters from the game in order to determine who the hottest Genshin character is!

Also when I'm talking about 'hottest', I'm actually more talking about their personality and whether it'd be fun to be in a romantic relationship with them. Cuz let's face it: miHoYo knew exactly what they were doing when they cooked up all these character designs

Number 5: Il Dottore

That's right, baby. We're starting this list off with something spicy! And what's spicier than...human experiment. Tbh I'm not 100% brushed up on Dottore's lore, but something about how he's like some evil doctor that's way too chill when it comes to experimenting on people. I know that he's a villain and all, but when has that stopped any of us. I see you Shego and Lord Dominators simps out there. Now Dottore Il is a FINE man. He got the drip and nothing says 'handsome' more than a bird looking mask. Buuuuuuuut....Experiments? Like...with needles and stuff? If he's so chill with just testing on people like it's nothing, what's gonna make me special from his usual test subjects? When you said you wanted to 'explore my body', this is not what I thought you had in mind. Also, clones? I just feel like that'd be so confusing. If I kissed one of his clones, would that be cheating? I mean it's him...but it's also not him. Dottore is dangerous in more ways than one, but I don't think I'm willing to indulge in any way. The heart wants what it wants, but my heart doesn't want to get sliced in a million pieces and then have its body thrown in a well or something... 

Number 4: Pantalone

Another villain? What can I say? I'm down bad for the bad guys. Tbh I know next to nothing about Pantalone. All I know is that he's rich. Like loaded. Also the first time I heard his name, my mind went instantly to an image of pants. And because of the fact that I was too lazy to learn how to properly pronounce his name, I'd just call him 'The Pants Guy.' Tbh there's not really much more I can say about him. I like him a lot because he's really good-looking and rich. Hey hey, I'm not shallow! What do you think I am, a baby pool? I'm just saying it as it is. But if I had the option between rich and smart gentlemen and anime cousin of the Joker that can only be Mr. Dottore, I think I'd go with Pantalone...

Number 3: Aether

Aether genshin impact - widgetopia homescreen widgets for iPhone / iPad /  Android

I know, I know. I know it's kind of weird that one of my all time favourite Genshin characters is Aether. He's nothing more than the boring default male traveler. But you know what? This boy...this blonde beautiful boy...flew his way into my heart. Idk he's just so cute!!! I'd even go as far to say that he's even cuter than his sister! I also really like his design. It has this fantasy meets Sci-Fi meets anime type look and it's nothing like anything I've ever seen before. His personality is basically non-existent, but that's what I like about him. He's anything and everything all at the same time. You kind of make your own lore and personality for him. I love manipulating my romantic partners! I I don't. This beautiful boy deserves the world and I'm willing to give it to him. AT ALL COST...

Number 2: Lisa

Genshin Impact Lisa Guide: Ascension Materials, Best Weapons, Artifacts

'You're tearing me apart, Lisa!' Come on, don't tell me you weren't expecting her to be on this list. She's pretty, she's mature, she's smart, she's flirty and she wears purple. What more do you need? I really like her...which makes the fact that I didn't like at first even more weird. I thought she was kind of annoying at first for some reason. What else do I really need to say that hasn't been said before? She's a wicked witch in all the right places and PURPLE. That's all that needs to be sad: PURPLE

Number 1: *Drum Roll*

Things Only Adults Notice In Shrek

🎶And then I saw his face🎶

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don't really have anything to say to this other than that genshin impact is a lame gacha game (imo)

also no way shreks number 1😂