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Wanted to jump on this suggestions thread. Really fun game, it keeps your attention while at the same time its something that's easy to drop/pickup.

A few thoughts (and maybe these are implemented, and I just can't figure out the controls):

- Zoom In/Out feature OR map  - It's kind of hard to figure out where you want to go with such a limited view. I don't know if a zoom-out would break the risk w/ enemies, but at the very least a map  local to each sector of your structures/keypoints could be added.

- The ability to pause the game - It kinda sucks when I just want to pause the game and swap to a chat window or  work and the game continues in the background. 

- Build by region, rather than square by square (this may be in the automation section, I'm new to the game)

Seconded on the auto doors/gates & resource labels. I locked myself in with the robot (i shrunk his room) and had to demolish the door hahaha

Thanks for the cool game!

Oh god yeah, zoom in/out is badly needed. It doesn't even need to be by a lot. Just 2-3 levels of zoom. Standard, close up, and zoomed out.

Minimap would probably break the sense of exploration (players in practice tend to focus too much on the minimap), so adding a zoom balanced to area size will largely negate the need for it.

Could you elaborate on the build-by-region PE?