The art and the movement mechanics are the best part of this game and I loved them, however I did take issue with a few small things that I imagine came down to time constraints. I didnt think kogasa's primary attack had much of a chain to it, only having one attack and would have liked a combo of a one-two-three or something. I think if it wasnt for the stellar presentation everywhere else I wouldnt have even thought about that, so thumbsup for that. Also, I think that the fans that you use to rise hurting you feels kind of... not great when you pass through them constantly in fan elevators and they dont hurt you there. Legit was half of my damage my first run. on a related topic, I feel like there isnt enough tell of whether or not a pit is a secret pit or a spike pit and I cant move the camera down to check, relying on blind faith jumps to determine which it is. Lastly, I dont feel like nue did much out of pressing switches, was hoping she had more like perhaps being able to be used as a ranged attack. Anyway, I enjoyed my time and it looks great and the movement feels great :thumbsup: