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A member registered Apr 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Had a lot of fun, fake uno was a good blast, scenarios were comfy, had a glitch where it showed me having one more card than I actually did at the end, but it worked out in the end. Had a good time.

Thank you for playing our game, Im glad you liked it! Regarding the player 2 game over, player 1 clear, can you go into more detail on what happened when that occured? Id like to be able to fix this when we get around to a post jam update and being able to replicate that bug and then test a fix would be quite helpful. Usually player death is only supposed to be finalizeable by player 1 but sounds like that isnt happening here, weird ass bug :pensive:

The switching between homing and applying magnetism is novel, the patterns range from lovely to mesmerizing, and I *almost* beat it without having to use a continue. Those patterns must have taken a while to setup, I like it, thumbs up

Normal; Final Score: 462

So uh... I initially thought this tabletop game was multiplayer and ended up gathering a couple friends for it only for us to all slowly realize... wait a second, no it aint multiplayer, and all kind of just fumbled about doing other stuff for the night instead...

Anyway, to detail my playthrough: I kind of just set things up so I could ignore basically everyone after a point. I was playing on normal so I could kind of just ignore tsukasa from the get go since her relationship up requirement is kind of hard to achieve and she couldnt decrease her relationship ever, and with her starting at 0, well...  that was one person I could just ignore. Next, momoyo's relationship, it never ended up going down because any time I tried influencing the market, Id try to influence it for positive increases across the board, banking on the stock divisions and making sure I always had at least one stock in everyone for those divisions to matter. This meant the only person I needed to "care" about was chimata, which uh, I just kind of let rng roll for the first few turns so she's like me and dated her a bunch until she liked / loved me. Those free stocks of my choosing from chimata were really useful and let me never worry about the "buying" part of the buying and selling stocks again. I just kind of coasted for the second half of the calender selling some of the stocks I have fuck loads of just so I can try to influence all stocks to be closer to splitting up into more stocks. Honestly, if I read ahead into the calculations for a winning score and knew that multiple loves influenced it I might have spent the last 4-5 months trying to maximize the other's relationships instead of coasting on my fat stacks of stocks, but eh well. Cool board game, wish I didnt mistake it for multiplayer and gather a bunch of people for it

"Where do you want to go for the 'date'"

>Regular sounding option, regular sounding option, gambling den, regular sounding option

Fuck yeah, gambling den, leeessss go.

On a more serious note, I enjoyed my time, rare to see entries lean hard into novel and rare for it to not be a treat. Only ran through for two endings, but still a fun time.

Another solid game from ferdy, I love katamari.

The game seems to be a bit overtuned or at the very least seems quite hard as someone who's beaten xcom and played a bit of advance wars. Dont know, perhaps its unfamiliarity but difficulty ramps up fast and just expects perfection in tactics and rng. fun concept though

Tew is a gremlin, I love her. Shes great. Dont really have much to say. Great game. 5/5. Amazing job

The art and the movement mechanics are the best part of this game and I loved them, however I did take issue with a few small things that I imagine came down to time constraints. I didnt think kogasa's primary attack had much of a chain to it, only having one attack and would have liked a combo of a one-two-three or something. I think if it wasnt for the stellar presentation everywhere else I wouldnt have even thought about that, so thumbsup for that. Also, I think that the fans that you use to rise hurting you feels kind of... not great when you pass through them constantly in fan elevators and they dont hurt you there. Legit was half of my damage my first run. on a related topic, I feel like there isnt enough tell of whether or not a pit is a secret pit or a spike pit and I cant move the camera down to check, relying on blind faith jumps to determine which it is. Lastly, I dont feel like nue did much out of pressing switches, was hoping she had more like perhaps being able to be used as a ranged attack. Anyway, I enjoyed my time and it looks great and the movement feels great :thumbsup:

Take your five stars. You've earned it. I have nothing more to say

The controls take a lot of getting used to and I liked the boss fights a lot even if I never beat marisa. Any curved surface of terrain or jutting piece of geometry can be jank and get you stuck though which makes marisa rotating lasers paaaaain, especially for someone who has not mastered the control scheme of the game. Plllllleeeeeease, if you have a game where mouse is important for lots of fast clicking and moving either force fullscreen by default or lock the cursor to the window, I accidentally closed the game in the marisa fight and had to watch my friend go through the rest. Fun game, fun concept, I would not want to collect all three keys again but would of liked to go through the bosses again since I closed my game accidentally :(  . Once you realize that you can parry bullets, the game gets *so* much more manageable. Thumbs up

It's not every day you see a tactics game for a two week game jam... okay Im not sure the touhou jams have had a tactics game yet, so big props on doing it. Game good, however I did have some issues with pathing, both in my character getting stuck on terrain and preventing the game from continuing, as well as my unit overshooting my target point a bit ruining the shot I was lineing up. Also, I couldnt seem to keep any shotgunners alive as theyd be nearer to the front than most and the enemy ai seems to aim for the unit closest to them, causing everyone to auto target the shotgunner. Looking forward to what you do next, you're always trying big ideas and getting them made

A boomer shooter jam entry that has a solid set of base mechanics down. I like how the game controls with the shifting between weapons going on while dashing around, I wish there was more to the game both mechanically and stage wise, but that's more so just wanting to play with this kit in a more dynamic stage layout. It should be noted that it's pretty easy to dash out of the map or trigger a death that forces you to slide outside the map but that doesnt really hurt the core loop that badly. Real neat game!

It's hard to write a comment when Ive already talked about the game previously in private during testing but yeah, sometimes life just does stuff and it's hard to get anything done in the time span given and you have to fight for time back with the deadline so close. I like the change you made to swapping between physical and ranged shots, I think the range shot graphic feels nice and it's cool to see the background finally come in. Curious to see what this will look like finished.

I liked the art but encountered a bit of a bug that effected my experience a bit. So first off, I couldnt find how to fire with controller as neither trigger would fire shots nor could I get controller aiming working. Ended up switching to keyboard mouse because of that but for some reason the mouse also wouldnt effect where I was aiming and Id constantly be aiming to the bottom left regardless of where my mouse cursor was. I imagine it worked fine during testing but broke during web export, web builds be cursed sometimes :pensive:. I ended up beating it regardless and the bug did provide an interesting challenge in itself, so *shrug*. There was also no sound for me, I imagine there just wasnt time. The boss patterns were cool and definitely made me go "damn, I really should have made fancy bullets that decay and make new bullets when they get destroyed for my entry"... I kind of forgot to do fancy bullet types this time around. whoops. Thanks for showing me a cool thing you did in your entry that I forgot to do in my team's entry. You seem to have a habit of solo deving and I have to respect that, solo deving is rough and having no one to lean on during development is also rough, you're doing good, be proud of what you've done

Yeah... sorry if I was too harsh, just, it's so close to being amazing because of everything else that its frustrating that it didnt hit that for me. The overscope problem with jams is definitely something I myself am still struggling Ill admit and I dont really have a good answer to it... 

like, Im torn. The game looks nice, it sounds nice. The writing, I like the writing, but the gameplay... it's hard to find a place to start. just to be clear, I didnt finish the game, I made it to hatate, but... I wasnt going to go through another 30 runs of the the section, trying to get good equipment rolls and hoping rng blesses me with good item and enemy encounters for that run. I guess this is a case of making sure you properly test your game which as the jam page itself states, was not something that really happened. Regardless, might as well sum up my thoughts.

The game goes hard into making every equipment you pick up, every item you grab, rng, rolled from a table, which, by itself, isnt bad, it could work, much harder to balance and tailor an experience to but workable, HOWEVER when the game lacks enough ways to get stronger *outside* of rolling equipment, well, you're just trying to redo floors until you get good equipment, went soooo long before nitori started having damage numbers above 1 or 2 and from my friend who was also trying it it seems my experience was not solitary in that regard. There doesnt appear to be any leveling so the *only* reason you'd want to fight enemies is for money or for the fishing drops, however you lose half your money when you die so its not very reliable. A response might be just "dont die", but past the first floor, the RVs dont backtrap to the lobby, the only place you can heal, you dont get another heal point ever and aint no one climbing down the whole tower just so they dont eat a death which will likely come anyway with the amount of encounters you get climbing down, better to just climb upwards and take the death when it hits you and hope the RV checkpoints will be enough. Now, one might think you can circumvent this rng slightly by stockpiling items. Youd be wrong, all items that arent equipment are taken from you on death / lobby visit so you better rely on whatever the rng table blesses you with. This and the fact that enemy encounters vary so wildly difficulty wise and are also so rng dependent means that just making it to a boss fight isnt enough, you have to make it to a boss with GOOD rng otherwise you'll just die because you lack the hp and or items for the fight. Just the act of placing a healing fountain before each boss would help soooo much to make it so less painful, hell even just allowing hina's heal to be used outside of battle would be a blessing.

Now, there are other things I could get into like how speed affecting accuracy fucks over encounters like the hoop snake (because again, speed is an equipment stat and even then it might not be enough), or how it's possible to get your money to glitch to "a lot of money" and you never know the money you have again, etc etc, however Id rather return to my opening train of thought. If the game wasnt so heavily rng focused, it would be a much better game and its frustrating that a game who excels in every other aspect is held back by its gameplay. I may try again at a later point save scumming every encounter and chest for a good run just to finish since I feel I was so close and if I do that I may edit my post, but for now I hope my words are sufficient.

It's been so long since Ive played pokemon puzzle league and it was really fun to see it appear again in a jam entry. I love the beat of the writing with how reimu bounces off the goofiness of everyone else and the twist reveal that no, this is actually just what dating is. The levels may have been a bit too hard since my friend couldnt get through to the end and I had to stream it, (the yukari spell card in the beginning basically removes you from play and instakills you if you arent already managing the board well by that point), but the game was a lot of fun and it's clear that a lot of time was put into making it. I may be a bit early in playing through the entries, but it's a banger of a jam game for sure

It's a solid attempt for one's first attempt at game development in general. I noticed you even got a save system working which a lot dont even attempt on their first attempt at a game. Id say what was really important to me here is that there wasnt enough feedback for me whether or not I was hitting enemies or the boss. You can add sound effects when bullets hit the player or enemies and or do a visual effect, while having their sprite flash is a fast way of going about it, having white circles that grow and then shrink coming off the point of contact is a simple but effective visual effect that adds a lot. Of course your solution is up to you and Im just throwing my two cents, you need not take it and there are many a ways to improve feedback for any action in a game. Also, I found the boss's teleporting to make it hard to attack and kind of annoying with how often it was doing it and how slow my bullets moved compared to how fast they were teleporting was something. Anyway, a solid first attempt at game dev and you should remember that everyone starts somewhere and dont let the thought that it wasnt perfect get in the way of learning or doing cool artistic outlets like game dev. I look forward to seeing you two improve over time

Yeah, in retrospect regarding controls, I should have allowed an option to modify how much your mouse movement corresponds to player movement (like a dpi modifier for the game that you could edit). Having some sort of indicator for the center of the map may have helped a lot too to avoid the getting lost or ending up sticking to a wall as I saw some people doing, which is pretty important to communicate since getting lost is not part of the experience and takes mental load away from dodging, also it'd be pretty good to show the center since hugging the walls is not how you dodge or do damage for the majority of the fight and not knowing where the center is makes not doing that harder.

I think one of the main problems is I was basing these controls off a previous bullet hell I had played and as such was already familiar with the control scheme more than the average player and found it personally more natural than keyboard or controller. Anyway, I ended up balancing things around what I was consistently able to perfect which uh, turned out to be WAAAAY TOO FUCKING HARD for most people. Its not like I didnt play test the hell out of a lot of the patterns, its just that my pool of play testers was just basically just me which was a big mistake. Now, I would like to use a similar control scheme in the future for something, but it's quite clear that I should dial back on a few things, clearing up positioning a bit better, communicate some things better, and at the very least include a lower difficulty version of the fight so more people can actually finish the game. It was a mix of bad choices that I didnt catch since it didnt effect me as much as others and a disregard for accessibility that I didnt realize was as needed as it was.

Thank you. That means a lot to me. I ended up uploaded a post jam fix that might alleviate some of the jank people were reporting. Regardless, Im glad you enjoyed the game


If you want to avoid the blur issue going on, you should set the filter mode on your sprite import settings to point. Also, if the issues still persist with the weird phantom pixel lines on the tile map after the filter change, having each sprite be one pixel thicker on each side / extruding it one pixel out can help avoid the sub-pixel displaying issues that are unique to the tilemap feature (there are other fixes though, just cant recall them off the top of my head). fun opening scene

I think the game bugged out a few times for me. After I accidentally turned down reimu I didnt know how to progress and ended up fumbling around. I then somehow started to stack a bunch of ingredients into one stack in the pie menu, not expected behaviour. I refreshed the page to try again, reimu worked this time, however, marisa ended up showing up and thanking me before leaving despite not giving her a pie. The charlie brown-esque art style is nice and cozy tho


This is a pretty good looking game and it is fun but the combination of not knowing where my hitbox is and the lack of either clearing bullets around me when hit / low amount of iframes makes it rather frustrating at times. The power pickups also seems to move at a fast enough speed or I move slow enough that if it passes me, Im not going to be able to grab it before it leaves the screen. Still, impressive considering its a solo dev project

A fitting metaphor. I understand the pains of overscoping and flying to close to the sun. Fly on aeon, fly on

This entry was indeed an imposter

I do echo the issues from the lack of a reticle, but even ignoring that I did have troubles telling if enemies with more than one health were or were not taking damage and would have liked more meaningful feedback on that front. Cool concept though and I appreciate a giant spork

This game is dope as fuck. It had a lot more going on than I thought it would, both mechanically and just content to play. It was an emotional rollercoaster and even though I have still 8 jam entries to play, I find it unlikely Ill walk away from another entry changing my opinion that this was the best game in this jam. Holy f, good job ya'll. You deserve a pizza party or some other celebration. Damn.

When the remilia fight started for me it appeared that the area didnt generate properly or something, sanea was left in a blank void of black and the grind of killing every enemy on a floor to progress back to that point was too tedious for me to give it another shot. Neat use of the different enemy types tho.

It's a bit odd to see a touhou visual novel mimic the writing style of the main line games. For mainline touhou, a lot of the writing ends up being an excuse to string combat encounters back to back with eachother and allows a lot of conflicts to occur for the sake of gameplay. It was both novel and weird to see a writing format designed specifically to string combat encounters together be used in the absence of those very encounters. An odd and novel experience to say the least.

Honestly, this comes heavily down to intent and I apologize how harsh this may seem if I am reading this wrongly, however:
If this game is attempting to be a rage game. It overall succeeded in that goal. If it isn't, I have some points of criticism. The main thing that changes this game's quality is whether these issues I have are intentional and I cant tell which, but am leaning on the side of this not being intending to be a rage game.

-First, the way of handling hakkeru movement with the mouse is really janky. You can put your mouse over the whole screen and the mouse does not move with your character nor screen transition. It feels like the game expects me to pull quick trick shot maneuvers with it while in reality it is a really imprecise feeling control scheme because of how long it takes to actually maneuvar, both in general and to keep up with the players current position. It, in its current form, is unfit to be used in a reactionary environment. If the intent wasnt making a game that felt as I walked away feeling, it may be best to either ditch the mouse aiming entirely in favor of using the arrow keys to shoot your shot, or limiting the mouse's position in game to a circle around the player that moves the mouse alongside the players movement, allowing both persistance of aiming angle in relation to the player while they are moving as well as allowing quick snappy mouse input without the jank that can occur when you have to move the mouse full screen to even start adjusting it in relation to your constantly moving player.
-Second, the hitbox on the player before they get hit/forced to reset is rather strict, there are times where it feels like the sprite on the player isnt even touching a boundary before it is marked as a death and it can be difficult to gauge where is safe to move and where isnt. I'd suggest making the hitbox for the player smaller than the sprite. There were also a few rather demanding spikes of difficulty throughout the game because of the above two mentioned issues.

-Last, screen transitions. You can still move during screen transitions and this has led to multiple deaths where I can not see my character until they have already walked off and died, during lucky times Id just be placed at the start of the new screen, at worst Id have to redo the existing screen. This by itself wouldnt suck so much if it wasnt possible to walk backwards into the previous screen (or instead of walking, being hakkeru blast from a mouse click I did a split second before my death into that previous screen) and then subsequently die, respawning on that previous screen, losing all progress for a whole screen. experienced this at least once on the last screen of the game where I had to redo the one before it. You can cut this issue by making the aiming changes I mentioned above as well as pausing game logic while a screen transition is occuring.

If you were making a rage game, thumbs up, goals met and the above issues are likely intended. If you werent, please take mind to the above. I am sorry for the sour response, hopefully I was able to be more constructive than not.

Im not sure how Id go rating or commenting on this. Like, so many of the jam's categories are irrelevant to anything a choose your own adventure text scrawl like this would be going for and while I cant say "it scored high on visuals" or "it had great music/sound design", I have no doubt that the experience I had playing was quiet enjoyable and something that successfully got me invested. Its weird and is one of the examples of how the existing scoring system for the jam can be flawed. As for things about the game's content, heavily enjoyed the writing and how the game responded to some of my interactions. Good game, big thumbs up.

This is one hell of a gem. The gameplay loop is adicting, Im really a fan of the risk v reward of knowing that if you die you have to fight the boss version of your party member to get them back so you have to balance who you want to use with their effectiveness. This is one of the entries Im giving a 5/5, in spite of that there was a bug that I wanted to point out, during marisa's fight her master spark does not clear on player death (it appears a few attacks dont, but...). I had at least 3 runs against her kill 3+ characters because the master spark just lingered so long at spawn with such a large hitbox that I couldnt avoid it. Outside of that, fun as hell and a great use of the idea of pairing off touhou characters. Double thumbs up

An interesting take of the match formula which appears to turn the usual gameplay of a match game on it's head by disincentivizing combos, easy to explain, but hard to master. I can see someone getting really into this game and continue playing it after the jam period ends. I must admit, while discovering multiple techniques exclusive to how scoring works in this game I never got to a point of mastery before writing this review. (still havent beat megapigs score)

Im happy to see your project actually came along as it did. If I recall correctly this was started rather late into the jam period and if that's right you did rather well with your limited time. I like how you integrated the kirby mechanics in a way that both adapted to touhou and supported the theme (things like the projectiles, the fact infinite jumps could be used pretty much exactly like it is in kirby and be logical from a touhou viewpoint (the fact people can fly) and the sharing health restores via the trademark kirby kiss). There are parts where the hitboxes either on the player or the enemies attacks at you (cant tell which), feel a bit too unforgiving for some of rumia's bullet shots but the game gives you enough health and a checkpoint right at the start of the fight where it isnt much of an issue. It was an enjoyable short play.

An endless runner with the benefits that handcrafted levels give, so not quite literally endless. Fun game, went for what it was going for and Id say it succeeded pretty much everything it was trying to do. Thumbs up.

I really enjoyed playing through this and while the point and click was a pretty subdued component and could have been more pronounced, I dont think it really matters much. Fun ride, would recommend to others

First off, game crashes when I press the restart option after a death. Other than that, it's difficult to see bullets and where you are with the various colors without turning background to 0%, problem exists more so on the stage leading up to the boss that the boss itself. Some of the bullet hell sections on arcade are a bit hard for me but that may just be my personal inexperience rather than anything about the game. The options provided with the customizeable extra lives and the background visibility are appreciated. Nice to see remilio returns.