Thanks for the amazing feedback! Yeah WASD was something I initially didnt think would work well but turns out, it does (Thanks PixelDev :D). Yeah I agree, an icon for that would have been good.
Good to hear you liked our game juice ^^ We put a lot of effort into making sure the game feels good.
Regarding your "slice through multiply enemies at a time": Well... :D It's not a bug, its a feature. Imagine like fighting games where you can knock up and enemy who is already in the air. Or maybe you are so quick as a ninja, that you can slice through them multiple times before they are dead? O__O
Well selecting the hearts is an artifact of me having the smart idea of making each heart a checkbox with icon_pressed and icon_normal being the 2 heart images... I actually think thats a cool way of doing it, but seems like I forgot to disable mouse input for that node :D (Selecting/ Deselecting shouldn't affect your actual health though).
Also, damn 59 kills is pretty good!
Glad you liked the game!
- ARez