Great game ARez and PixelDev! Took me a few tries to realize I could actually move with WASD - was trying to use the mouse dash to land in puddles assuming that was how to regen. Eventually figured it out which made it much more fun. Should've just read the controls on your page haha but maybe some on-screen WASD key layout imagery would assist.
I really enjoyed slicing through enemies with the slow motion effect you put together with my best being 7 enemies in a single mouse dash which was super satisfying!! Best go was with 59 kills overall :D Rain effects, art, enemies and particles all top notch!!
One thing I noticed was the sound effect and slowmo can work on the same recently killed enemy if you dash through them again but can't confirm if it's counting as a second kill to my score. Also I was able to select and deselect the lives on the top left of the screen which I assume you shouldn't be able to!
Awesome game, you should be very proud :D