Thanks for the feedback!
Puzzles are always tricky, because there's always going to be a range of skill, and ways people think about things. I'm not too worried, because you're the first so far to have trouble with recorder, and you did figure it out eventually. But I'll keep it in mind if others bring it up.
Glad you enjoyed the stealth bits! I could have gone really ham on making those elaborate, but I didn't want to burn TOO much time. I settled on something I felt was a reasonable challenge without being absurdly complicated, but I have worried it may be a bit too simple. Glad it was fun for you.
I am pretty proud of how the porn shop stuff ended up. I generally think of a framing, and a scene, and then have to work out the details afterwards as to how I'm actually going to ramp into and out of the scenes. I was pretty smug when that setup occurred to me.
"my only real wish is for more enemy variety, like hyenas that dress even more obnoxiously..."
What, mustard-yellow shirts aren't obnoxious enough for you?
But yes, it is somewhat limited. I was able to expand variety a bit from 1, but it's always going to be somewhat limited, because each new enemy means a new standee, and each new TYPE means a whole fresh slot on the sprite sheet. Compound this with the fact that because of the way I'm doing things narratively I (mostly) can't reuse enemies from earlier games and have to start fresh each time, and the time budget for them is somewhat limited. "Clients" (the dobermans) were originally intended as a sort of enemy type, and I still have the center path to develop. We'll see. But combat will probably never be super fancy in these games: the aim is just to have enough to grant some challenge and give risk for the scenario to hang on.
Again, thanks for taking the time to lay out your thoughts. And for buying the game!