This was fun! I managed to discover all the recipes, even though it was pretty tricky. It was helpful finally figuring out that the bread's purpose is to keep you from losing extra in ingredients. I kind of wonder what that glowy crystal and odd looking glowy rune were about.
The controls were a bit wonky, as in it was difficult picking things up from time to time, having limited movement to where I couldn't look straight down was a bit annoying, mouse sensitivity felt a bit off, and kind of wished there was some kind of throwing mechanic that would help speed up collecting resources.
Though I did appreciate the slit in the bars so I can have a short trip, and the physics were fun enough that seeing ingredients flying off after cutting them was hilarious! It was also funstrating (fun and frustrating) how items would just rotate randomly when your trying to just set it on the table all nice like. Nice job on this, applauses all around!
PS: it would also be helpful if you mention you need to press P to close the intro splash. My intro splash was pretty zoomed in so I couldn't tell if it said to press a specific button to continue or not.