Are you file editing or playing to the win count? If file editing, in V1.4 I think you'll need to set it 1 less than the win achievement then play a game for that because of how achievements are coded. (I also recommend not touching the achievement file since the game loves nuking progress if you mess with it.) V1.5+ will have a new system that'll be less finicky 😅
James "Kanto" Burton
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This has a heavy hitter with just the art alone! I'm still a lil confused about how the mini-sections between the dancing work with downing more soda and shaking, but that section is enjoyable since it gives more focus on the girl than on the prompts. Interface wise, the buttons were hard to read at first since the outlined lettering was a little hard to see. It be nice if we also had feedback for when we did a "good" or "great" and some sfx for belching, bloating, drinking, etc would have added a nice touch to know if I'm doing well or not. Overall, still a solid game that will probably beat mine in the rankings 😅
I like the premise, but the game is really buggy, portraits are only of the aliens, not all the controls are listed (like E to interact), and some dev tools are still active (Q to move to the next scene). I couldn't progress because I ran into an invisible wall and then got trapped in the pool room. Though I only managed to get to the pool room because of the dev tools :/ (Bodies also clip with the clothes)
I would really like to try this game out again when most of the bugs are ironed out :3
Are you kidding me... The hitboxes are being stupid?! -_-
Update: The game engine is stupid and decides to swap what mouse_xy and window_mouse_get_xy() values. This isn't a simple fix as components by default use mouse_xy for built in collision checks... Why is this a NOW issue?!
Update 2: Finally got that major bug out of the way, now I can go fix that bug in the other games if it popped up... T^T
Maaan, NPCs are just giving out bugs left and right. I thought my code patched the erratic movement behavior before but I guess not :/ I'll need to do more patch work. When it comes to this game there is a LOT of actions and mechanics playing with each other that makes it a lil hard to keep track of all possible combos (especially during a jam). I thank you for finding and reporting these bugs to me since they can fly under the radar. I'll also have to double check if the same scenario causes a crash even if it's with a normal item (could be because of how I fixed it maybe oops 😅) Again, I thank you for telling me so I can fix it 👍
`Takeout` is the command your looking for to take an item out of a chest (if your facing it) or your inventory.
Spell pages are puzzles, you can `examine` or `read` a page to see what it says and to try solving it. You'll know if it's right when you try `cast [spell name] [target]` with target being optional for some spells. Note: Most spell names will "look" like normal words but will not.
Helpful Tip: Spell pages are not the only source for spell names ;3
Asked it to what? Anyways you can use the "use on/useon" command to use an item, then name a target. "me" refers to yourself, and "notme" refers to closest NPC, you can use the "help <command>" for additional details of a command and use "variant <command>" to see all synonyms of a command.
I'd like to know how you were trying to go about using it/playing it as I'd like to try getting the syntax to fit how most players may play :3
I don't know how but I managed to break one of the sniper's health upgrades since it just kept going up, lol. I managed to beat it twice since it looped back from 20 to 1, and figured out the meta for it 😅 TD games are one of the few that I have a love/hate relationship with and the way you executed had me enjoy it :D
This game nails the game addictive gameplay loop, I got down to ~216m before plummeting to my death. It has an excellent balance of mechanics that make descending fun and strategic with platforms disappearing if your on them long enough, dashing cancels fall momentum which allows you to make safer landings, and a great use of diegetic visuals for the health and how screen shake indicates how close the sun is behind you! I just wished it had some sound/music to go with it (and for the quit button to actually work XP ). This game might make you descend, but this it certainly ascending in my favorites!
This one I feel has a strong visual aesthetic and a solid gameplay style, and takes the theme quite literally XP My only minor complaints would be how dark the game seems to get and how the ending had juxtaposed white text that didn't fit in the game at all 😅 Overall I think this one might win, bravo!
My dude, out of all the games you're asking for mobile support, THIS one does indeed support it through the browser! (Or are you just reinforcing the requests you've been making for my games?) If your having trouble playing this one then let's trouble shoot it, it could be a browser compatibility issue I'm not aware of :3