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(1 edit)

First of all, I really like the artstyle, and also the character designs, both the player and enemies. The music is also nice, altought I really wish it had a nicer loop, since after ending it kinda just stops for a while before actually restarting. (It also resets every time you enter a portal, wich feels pretty awkward)

Level design is also kind of just a mess of platforms, I have to admit, it's very easy to get lost and there's no real challenge anywhere (aside from the infamous bugs but hold on, I'll get there), altought I really love how the enemies are also used as platforms sometimes, that's really a nice touch.

Now about the bugs tho, as you guys are probably already tired of hearing, yeah they exist xD
I legit got the game crashing every time I dared to etither interact or just pass throught that first sign near the red portal, so I kinda got blocked off from that entire part of the map, and there were also some camera bugs that made it simply not follow my character back to where it respawned so I was forced to reset the game, otherwise It would be impossible to play.
Fortunatelly tho, I read throught some comments so I ended up doing the glitch to get all the upgrades, and I'm glad I did, because I could actually enjoy a bit of the game this way, even if only the side of the map that was on the right of the red portal lol.
The game may be full of glitches, but I actually kinda like some of them, honestly. Not only the one of getting all the power ups, but some of them actually felt like good inspiration for actual mechanics imo. The fact I could grow and shrink rapidly to phase throught walls was actually pretty fun, and came in handy to explore a little more of the map when I didn't knew where to go. And I also got a very weird bug where whenever I entered a portal, my character sprite was completely offset from it's hitbox, but before I realized that, it felt like the entire world was the one to be offset actually, and that was actually so trippy, that it was fun to try to traverse the rooms like that (altought the magic wore off when I used the freeze attack and saw that only my own hitbox was wrong sadly x3), legit think that would be an awesome idea for an actual unique level/area for a game.

I """"finished"""" the game, by cheating of course, but honestly I think the glitchy nature of the game is exactly what gave it a huge lot of charm, and it fits the virus-ish theme of it as well, so that was kinda magical.

Don't get me wrong tho, I still had to reload a lot of times, wich was a still a real bummer. And I still have no clue where the upgrades were actually supposed to be lol

To hack//clear that text box block by the red portal, it seems if you spam esc (open the upgrade window), it will clear that issue.

I really wish we could release a new version because several of those bugs were all caused from the same one line of code. FindGameObjectWithTag apparently operates different in Editor vs WebGL, and we had two tags (parent and child) with Player tag and so that causes the offset when starting a zone.

I agree that some of the weirdness has a fun quirkiness to it that works for the theme of the game and would be fun to explore more when intentional. lol