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Does the RNG get somewhat fixed if you keep reloading to get different results? kind of a hard question to understand, but basically i backed myself into a corner by losing too many times, i cant even get grappled or i lose, also was very stupid and only used a single save so im a few hours in and not wanting to reset the whole game, but what ive noticed, is that after a while of reloading and winning fights that way, the enemies arre far more likely to use moves that screw me over, i no longer seem to avoid the stun move, it always happens on the first turn or at the start of the second. Maybe its just bad luck and me being frustrated but decided to ask if theres any logic here. Honestly might actually consider just restarting, its getting annoying lol.

I can't say in terms of it adjusting or not. In theory RNG should be the same regardless, a fresh chance every time you try a battle again. But there are a number of timers in the game: one that ensures daze happens at least once every five battles, for example. So if you happen to be lined up with one of those, yeah, it'll be a bit tougher.

Really though, this one's on you. No game should ever be played on a single save.


Ah gotcha, yeah i wasnt managing to win if daze triggered so id reload till i got through the fight without it happening. Also yeah i know i should have made more saves, just really didnt think about it at the time. Thank you for info tho.