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Overall Fun:

The tower defense concept is brilliant. Devstudio protecting itself from UI bugs and visual bugs by adding modules and extra features is a great idea. However, implementation needs a lot of work. For Round 1, enemies have too much health, move too fast, or weapons don't deal enough damage from the start. Do enemies ramp up their stats every round or do all enemies have the same health throughout the entire game? I want more from this game and it feels like it's early in development so I'm cutting some slack on it. 


On PC, controls are straightforward, but I would like to see a tutorial or keybind layout in a settings menu. You need tooltips that further explain things. Every 10 kills increases modules by 1% but does that mean it increases weapon damage, weapon range, cooldown, or does it just mean the module that boosts range by 20%?


Enemies, animation, and visual effects are pixelated and stylized. I like the animations and enemy deletion the most. I would like to see more art in terms of the grid/hex and the area surrounding it. 


No music or audio. Suggest adding audio to every object that shows a visual change. Weapon attacks, enemy death animations, etc.