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This was cute!

Reimagining an existing project can be a nice way to keep scope down for a jam, and this feels polished within the scope available.

The only criticism I have is that the left and right buttons do the opposite of what I intuitively expect - pressing left grabs the node to the right of my monkey, and pressing right grabs the node to the left. When I can twist my brain enough to work backwards, it's fun to alternate swinging directions, but most of the time, I just make do with a single direction.

I'm not very good at stopping playing - that's probably a good sign :D

Oh no, did I go through the whole development with things backwards?

Hmm. It seems to do what I intended... It's relative to the direction you're traveling, so if you're moving upwards then left grabs the node to the left, right grabs the node to the right, but if you're moving down it's backwards. So the right button always swings clockwise, the left counter-clockwise.

OK, now I'm curious what you were expecting. Global left and right? That totally didn't occur to me, but it seems like it would be possible, though it might be a little weird when you're travelling mostly sideways. I'll have to try that, thanks.

Hmm, I'm not sure. I just frequently found myself grabbing the node that I didn't expect to grab. It would be interesting to have some settings/options, but I understand that Pico-8 has limitations and you may not want to spend scarce resources on that sort of thing.

If you've made the game you intended to make, that's the main thing :)