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(1 edit)

This was cute and fun! Alas, I live alone and wasn't really able to experience it as intended, but it felt solid regardless.

I frequently felt like the game ended prematurely - when playing solo, it would end as soon as the first orange hit the juice, even though sometimes I think the placement of my orange could have changed in the time it took me to reach the blender. As an aside, I think it would have been fun if the juice level went up with each orange that passed the finish line.

I'd love to play a larger game with more "tracks" - I could imagine a version of this game that leans into Rube Goldberg machine type aspects where players bumping into things cause chain reactions that unlock shortcuts or obstacles further down the track.

I was expecting to see some fruit-themed submissions coming from the optional prompt "orange" and this one did not disappoint ^_^

Having worked on a 3D rolling ball game before, I understand some of the hurdles you faced along the way here. Good work!

It's always nice to see sources, although the jam rules do require that attribution be made on the game's page.