Theres a discord and its super active its in the room links file thats where the central community is but as far as an item list goes though we have been updating pages on the wiki where relevant like stuff that are horrifically out of date or no longer true also you can just look through the json files for the items stats at the very least and if you have the subscribe star version on dev bak you have a file which lists every items id for the purposes of spawning it
And a small hint about certain Skills is if its called stab its probably WoodenSpearNormal.json this very same move goes to Wood spear normal,Metal spear normal,greatswords stab move and the dildo you get from timmy is also using woodenspearnormal
Which is to say the best spear in the game is the greatsword not metal spear and the halberd uses its own move HalberdNormal.json which scales multiplicative with ATK and does slash damage instead of pierce meaning the halberd has more in common with the shortsword than it does with the wooden spear
And as far as the steam release is concerned valve axed it saying too young