Hi, I'm willing to help with writing dialog and/or making miscellaneous sprites (food items, menu stuff), and/or color palettes, and/or possibly music for the game. Tell me how/if I can pitch in! I'm very excited to see the further development of Debucon.
- Option to turn the debu around in the character window. Yes I know, you'll need to make basically twice as many sprites... but it would be so fun to finally properly see that magnificent ass...
- More resolution/fullscreen options
- What is the food below the taco? I wasn't able to locate it in the cooking menu or in the shop.
- Make new screenshots of the current version, and I suggest adding screenshots with bigger body sizes, but where the actual body is blurred. That way, people can immediately tell this is a properly good WG game (which it is) without spoiling the final result.
- Why in the world are the food items in the cooking menu blurred? Doesn't GM upscale sprites using Nearest Neighbor by default? If you want a better way of scaling pixel art than Nearest Neighbor, I suggest https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/assets/1911/better-scaling with the 5xbrc shader. It sort of rounds the pixels and looks pretty good imo.
- Please, make more different minigames for earning money, and increase the amount earned. To me personally, it's more hot when you need actual effort to feed her, rather than spamming the "more money" button, but when after like 15 minutes I had barely enough money for, say, 3 days of feeding, it's just not worth it.
- You can go into the "Metadata" tab in Itch, then into "promo images" to change the little browser icon that appears in the game page's browser tab (Favicon). A little detail that I always follow for some reason.