Today I finished adding bosses to the new level generation system. Also implemented a difficulty system, so players can choose from three different difficulties when starting a game. Most of the jam reviews said that the game was too hard (it was; I didn't playtest enough), and I couldn't even beat it when I tried XD. The difficulty of the jam submission was probably harder than the current "hardcore" mode. Some jam reviewers really struggled because they don't type often or because of disabilities. This system should allow everyone to have fun while playing.
All major release features are now implemented. The remaining work is fixing bugs, code refactoring and reorganization (a lot of it...), and increasing the visual appeal of the game (let's face it, it doesn't look that fun at first sight). Once most of that is done I'll upload a demo and get some feedback from real players. The big release will come a few weeks after that once I'm satisfied with the game.
Here's the new (very placeholdery) difficulty selection screen:
And here's me fighting the iconic Gunnar Gunnarssonsson, now moved down to floor 12: