Thanks for taking the time to read my design document, and leaving a comment.
I planned there to be one mech, with three Kaijus, (starter, midway, boss). My art and sprite design and creation skills are sorely lacking so I'm not sure that I can create a diverse set of designs of decent quality. I decided to go with the refined palette diversifier because I wanted to challenge my character and art design skills - I tended to use a lot of colours to convey certain game elements in previous game jams, so the limited colour palette will force me to focus and improve the character designs and animation aspects.
I found that the rock-paper-scissors analogy was helpful in forming ideas for moves and for explaining how my game will work. I haven't developed many tactical or fighting games before, so thinking about these dynamic and complex genres in terms of a simple game of rock-paper-scissors did make the tasks of designing and balancing fight actions feel achievable (or approachable at the least).