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I believe i made the same error of thinking that i could do more than i actually did in these ten days. But, in my case this is the exact same error i do in every jam i participate. Evidently, i am not aware of my own (giant) limitations, or something like that.

This time, however, the reason for the lack of content is different, because in other jams i wrote the game from scratch, and for this jam i made a library with all the parts that are independent of the game—path-finding, screen management, and things like that—, therefore i was a bit (over)confident that i would have more time for the actual game play. What i did not account for was the time that it would take me to try to imitate David Revoy’s style, far more refined than what i usually do. And the keyword here is “try”.

To put this into perspective, according to the timer, i spent shy of 56 hours during these 10 days on the game. I do not have an exact breakdown of how much time i spent on each part, but my guts tell me that around 90 % was for just the graphics, especially the animations and the outside scene, which explains why the basement had such a drop in quality. Therefore, i only had 6 hours or so for the game play. If i hadn’t made the library of common code, i would not have had anything to submit at the end.

So, in summary: i did well in preparing the game-independent code beforehand, but i have to limit myself to a level of graphics that is more in accordance to my low artistic skills—at least for jams.

As for whether i will continue it: No. Even though it is barely a game, specially compared to yours, for instance, with all the ingredient and potency rules that you managed to include, i think of this project as “done”—it was meant for a jam, and the jam has finished.

Although i would love to make a fully-featured Pepper&Carrot point-and-click adventure. But i do not think i would be able to do it all by myself. Therefore, for now this one will have to do for me.