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Since I have a slow internet connection it takes a long time for me to load the game. Still 7 MB is not a lot, at least not compared to Unity web builds I guess. You could consider using another pure web game engine such as Phaser or GDevelop if you want to reduce the game size.

(2 edits)

Yep I definitely get it, I've had slow internet connections and as a computer user I'm quite conservative with bandwidth myself.

I've used Phaser in the past during a game jam (for Citizen Âne), and what prompted me to move to Godot was
- I had spent most of the time in that jam (5 days part-time) programming, not game-designing or iterating, and that's not what I enjoy. I know I can program, but I want to make games
- I had to write code to integrate every asset that my teammates made, and that made me the bottleneck for getting the game done and knowing where we're at

Using a game engine empowers everyone on the team to change something and iterate quickly. It also helps me move faster and do what I like most. I don't have to write asset-loading code or 2D animation code by hand anymore, and I'm quite relieved.

So it's a conscious decision: yes the game size is bigger and sadly it makes the game less accessible, but what I care about is making stuff with other people and enjoying it, and being able to implement/play/redesign/reimplement quickly.