I just completed the game.
I got the Maledictor then the Crusader which kicked the former out. I got the wish, I'm not even sure if the tome you get when killing an elite monster is random or fixed but if they are fixed then I missed at least the one for MAR, ended the game with ENC 20+20, WAN 20+20, EXP 20+10 and MAR 20. I'm not sure whether the ending sequence is a hint I missed some true ending or not, it's fine either way.
The game is fun. The art is great, the UI mostly feels good and the class roster is cool. The balance feels right, with the right lethality, the right power of levels and items, new characters can catch up with good equipment and they catch up just fast enough. The elite monsters are cool and these tomes of reawakening sure are satisfying rewards. Difficulty can be as you see fit depending on how you rush through the game and use the save system,
With saving everywhere I tend to end up bruteforcing a bit using reloads and this was no exception but that's on me, not on the game. Also I was never notably fan of enemies which wait for a trigger to move and have always preferred when all the ones which are on the map act from the start but that's a personal taste and it's not game-breaking.
Overall cool game, thanks for sharing.
I might check your other games some day. The next step is to combine freeform exploration and encounters on a grid, right ;-) ?