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Is there a web version? It looks like my computer doesn't want to run it apart from the intro scene. It does look nice and promising though, I wish I had a more powerful GPU :-/


Sorry for that - I built this with Unreal's now default raytraced lighting, which requires ridiculous GPU power for such a simple game. Hm, maybe I should invest some time to optimize. Thank you for giving the game a try anyway!

Hey, I uploaded a new version that should perform a lot better. If you'd like to give the game another go, I'd be interested to hear if you can get it running decently enough. Not that the actual game improved in any way, it's still just the same prototype :)


And it does! I had to install some additional C++ libraries as it was requesting, and it works much better from performance perspective this time. Well done!!


Thank you so much for testing it out! Makes me feel a lot better about distributing games I build in Unreal in the future :)