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I... think the betrothed gender selection is bugged. I've gotten an F!betrothed every single time regardless of which option I select. I know it just says it's affected by my choice of preference, not determined by it, but... it doesn't appear to be affected by that choice at all.

Thanks for letting me know about this! Is the issue still popping up after the wedding ceremony is done? Before the ceremony, the MC’s family may make an incorrect assumption about the gender of the MC’s betrothed. I can add a note in-game to make that clearer!

But after the ceremony, their actual gender should reflect your earlier choices. If their gender is still showing incorrectly after their post-wedding chat, could you let me know what choices you made while picking your MC’s romantic/physical attraction so I can try and track down the bug? I haven’t been able to replicate it.

Ohh I see. I was just confused by the family's assumptions. I kept restarting to try to fix it and never got past that point.

I totally see where the confusion came from–sorry about that! I made a quick update to the text to help anyone else who might be confused about the same thing!