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(2 edits)

Windows screensaver flashbacks occuring.

Anyway, I don't think I got very far in it but I only played the jam version because I'm in a time crunch. Anyway, a minigame adventure is a really neat idea to put a big team of people to work on (and I guess I'd know a thing or two about that). That being said yeah some of what I was supposed to do was obscure. The pong game I had no idea whether i was supposed to win, and the branching paths thing confused me and overloaded my computer a little bit so I called it. So a lot of these could really use player feedback, but we also had a megateam and I know the woes of that. So yeah I might check this out again in its later version if I get the time!

Also it'd be nice if you could hold up to go forward a bunch (or move backward). And some extra footstep sounds or pitch variance would've helped a lot too.