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A jam submission

Touhou: Labyrinthian BustersView game page

Reimu and Marisa go trundling through a labyrinth under Gensokyo.
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of Theme (LGBT Pride / Identity)#222.6942.944
Challenge (Tough but Fair)#252.5922.833

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Team members
Grantithor, Tejobond007, kanadesu, Brogrammist, minilan, prototype-A, joaop1800

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Time is running out.

Must leave a haiku comment:

Far too many cooks.



HostSubmitted (2 edits)

Windows screensaver flashbacks occuring.

Anyway, I don't think I got very far in it but I only played the jam version because I'm in a time crunch. Anyway, a minigame adventure is a really neat idea to put a big team of people to work on (and I guess I'd know a thing or two about that). That being said yeah some of what I was supposed to do was obscure. The pong game I had no idea whether i was supposed to win, and the branching paths thing confused me and overloaded my computer a little bit so I called it. So a lot of these could really use player feedback, but we also had a megateam and I know the woes of that. So yeah I might check this out again in its later version if I get the time!

Also it'd be nice if you could hold up to go forward a bunch (or move backward). And some extra footstep sounds or pitch variance would've helped a lot too.


The jam version is unfortunately more enjoyable than the post Jam for being more concise. Which I will rate on. 

 However a admiral attempt to make a collection of mini games with a vn style of story telling +1. 

The with size of the team I see how this game was designed with so many minigames. 

Character art is adorable, and the minigames provide interest. However as they take longer they become less interesting. 

There is a clear problem with the ability to move on from one puzzle to the next which is probably where most of the glitches come from. Like perhaps there was not enough overhead to keep the pieces snuggly in place. 

 To be frank the story is... Oof. The much of it I wanted to gloss over, or lack of interesting banter, and there really wasn't enough to rate high. 

I checked out the post jam to see your vision and unfortunately it gave me a worse impression. 

The post jam story was better at the start, however the it quickly became hamfisted, and became a awkward read, so many suddenly gay moments, rather than subtlety gay. The theme is challenging, I would have given a +1 for theme for a honest attempt at however that was post jam. 

On the technical front, some mini games detract from the overall experience. Particularly the numbers game. It takes very long to compete and there is a major glitch in that the mini games blend into each other simultaneously. 

With all my critism,

I'm actually interested about the development process, you guys had a massive plate of work and I can't imagine how you swallowed as much as you did. Was there a dedicated team leader? What challenges did you face? What went wrong? What went right? 

What were you proud of completing and  what were you not? 

Are you still working on it? 

Do you plan to improve writing? 


Aheh "team leader" here, save for me, it was everyone's first or second jam experience.  Of course the biggest challenge is always coordination and management of time, everyone was able to grasp the scope of creating individual minigames (multiple programmers) but no one really predicted the scope of making all the minigames flow together at the end of development so it was all masking-taped together last second.

It was both to our credit and our detriment and that I handled as many hats as an artist/programmer/sound guy etc since I have a lot of experience putting things together. Despite being able to deliver a higher level of content and detail than if I wasn't involved in more roles, we probably invested too much confidence in me delivering the final product so I crumbled under the weight of everything I was handling at once, a lesson I'll have to personally beat into my head one day.

The jam was a big learning experience for all of us and despite not delivering the best play experience, everyone got a lot of development experience out of it!

We'll try and wrap up our jam plans in a final post jam build V1, but no plans on improving the story besides minor edits to dialogue and flow

Many thanks for playing and commenting!


I think this is a neat concept - sprinkling minigames on top of an overarching story. Nothing too twisty in terms of plot, but this is just the beginning. Overall exploration theme reminds me of DnD, not that I’ve ever played that. The in-game text is dense and detailed, but I would’ve preferred more visuals to go with it.

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unfortunately there is nothing past the ping pong section, we plan to do a build before jam with the complete game and story, if you are interested in playing it :D

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