Hello! You are calling it correctly, however, before getting the leaderboard you have to wait a certain amount of time, because after the reset - the player's new unique id needs to be fetched from the server to identify as a new player, and all of this does not happen instantly.
Thanks for reaching out.
I tried using the invoke function to add a delay between the reset and getting the leaderboard however my uploading entry data is still failing.
LeaderboardCreator.UploadNewEntry(publicLeaderBoardKey, username, score, ((msg) => {
Invoke("GetLeaderboard", 45f);
Thanks once again. I installed the new package and re-imported it into the scene but it is still failing. Am I not calling it correctly in the callback?
LeaderboardCreator.UploadNewEntry(publicLeaderBoardKey, username, score, ((msg) => {
LeaderboardCreator.ResetPlayer(() => {