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Hey i just added saving in version 10.0! Its still really buggy but it saves to a TXT file and then you can copy the file and put the code in the game!

The rest of the info is on the computer in the game!


Hey! Thanks, it was a good update, I liked it! I liked the fact, that there is a text file in the virtual computer, too. Well, when I passed the first run-away scene, another checkpoint was near the “outside” door, which is fine, but I think, it was because I pressed a key. I don’t remember which key it was, but… that’s fine I guess. I passed the second run-away thing and got to the place, where I saw a “castle”. Before I saved, I went in, and saved next to a pickaxe. Then I found out, that this is yet another run-away. When I was doing this part, I went down to the place, that maybe said: “There is no ending”, but the crab still got me! It would be very nice, if the crab stopped chasing me, when I get the ending.

That’s not even the worst part about this, the worst, is that I’m back to the same checkpoint again and I decided not to save there. I would like to know, what key to press to place a checkpoint.

So, that’s it. I didn’t check, if the code I saved is working or not, but I looked inside the file, that I can press S to load, but I would never guess that. Maybe an improved title screen would be nice, like adding “New game”, “Challenge” and “Continue” buttons (or make the option to choose with arrow keys), instead of having to press a specific key. Otherwise it looks kind of odd to me. Improving a title screen would help me orient in it a bit more

Well, that’s it (for real this time). The update was not that bad, I didn’t even think, that you couldn’t improve the game from my requests 😀

If you’re wondering: “Where are the new games (and Puzzle Steper too)?” Don’t worry, I didn’t throw that away, but I wouldn’t tell you, what game is next (it’s a surprise, YK?) So, happy holidays and all that good stuff

And good luck!


Thanks! the game is very unfinished right now and the bottom path said "room error" or something along those lines, since there aren't any more levels past that point so it uses the error room. will probably fix in the next update!


Hey, I can't copy & paste the code into the game.


You have to copy the code from the file, then press the “load game” key (read game desc)