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MC Should present/introduce themselves to the player, since we are going to be playing through their eyes.  Having a default name would be nice, unless you want us to input a name, in which case should tell us to do so.

As for the visuals I can't think of any real issues, given the nature of the VN.

I guess some sort of magicked away everyone else from harm?

I take it you like femine/femboy and pear shaped body shapes?

I skipped the sex scene because it did feel too sudden and too soon, but that is more me, I prefer to have an established connection/romance than to have casual sex with strangers.  I hope to have more opportunities where it will feel more appropriate.

I also second the question asked in the post before this one, but also agree with your response to it.

And can give yourself a pat on the back, while the grammar was not correct here and there, there was no real broken English! :3


Hey there! I won't say too much to not spoil anything with that first question, but the mc's past will be discovered slowly through the story, next update should also gives a few direct answers toward his lack of default name

If you speak about the train accident, I'll try to be more explicit about what happened for the other passengers in the next update, but characters can get hurt or worse.


The first sex scene appears quite fast yeah, but I prefer it that way since the sprites and visuals are already very nsfw, we aim for a very lewd vn so it'd be weird to have little to no sex scene and focus only on the story (makes me think that a no-sex run would be kinda funny to make)

Thanks! I have a friend that will help us with the grammar, I don't know if he'll be able to read/fix everything until the next update (I don't want to delay it too much), but it should help