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Last day and after Submission:

Last day I had only couple hours to work with game, so focus was on making three more levels, and this focus even failed in the end. When I finally started testing them, I noticed they had some problems that would give crash bugs to slower machines, since slower machines would think for too long finding a path and then due to how i do things, things could get out of their places.

Main problem is that people simply move certain amount each cycle, depending upon how much time have passed, and then it check if target tile is reached or not and actually, unfortunately i added it to do certain amount of steps too before really reaching and looking for new target. Now it might happen that when slower machine thinks, the time passed is so long, that they simply move to next tile already, after which check on arriving to target tile always fails and they just keep moving on to their direction. Most of time this is pretty harmless, biggest problem being that there might come invisible man to map as they move out of grid and then when finding tilenumber from minus co-ordinates can result them being where ever in the map, although graphics are still drawn outside of screen.

This was pretty much a shame since i was first happy getting those three more levels done and getting game complete.

In the end  I came to solution that yes, I leave the last three levels there for faster machine,but I do so that already after level 2 it will open the button which completes the game. Idea had of course been that you would need to complete all 5 levels before this button comes and in order, but this way slower machines should be able to complete first two levels, and then faster machines can try next three too.

What I had hoped during yesterday all the time was to implement two features. There are currently people with guns running around among rest of people, but they dont actually shoot. They were  meant to be bit of a random factor and create more chaos around by being all around and then doing tiny damage to robots all the time. This would have basically made weaker weapon towers more dangerous, since right now many of them do only small damage, but this small damage accumulated with people with guns damage could have become fatal for robots during a level, now this is missing from game.

Another thing mostly missing is coders. Levels 3-5 actually have them, but they are just randomly placed currently and could be even a problem. I meant to have them at fixed locations each level. I also am not sure if they currently have a kill goal or you have t kill them all. I dont remember which way i did. Plan was to have kill them all or dont pass, but originally i used kill goal for them too.

I was also hoping to clean unnecessary information away, like kill goal for coders still reads there, although it might not be valid anymore.

Such small changes, some just remove one line of code, some couple of lines more, but when time runs out, it just runs out and have to prioritize on what to focus, and my focus was levels, which unfortuately even failed in the end. There are too long paths to nearest buildings or weapons, and computer counts for them too long and problems come.

What also is unfortunate is that I didnt have time to test the levels. I believe potential was there, that I could have made this into real good game had i had good amount of time to use for each level. Right now they are pretty much getting an idea, makin git, and hoping it works with only very little fine tuning. First level is actually accidental. It is just the test level i did to trying out the code, and in the end it seems to work quite fine actually, although in reality i put it there just to save some time from making actual level. It bothers me a bit that one of the houses is partially on water, as I basically wanted spawn points be so that robots are coming from beach line  in that level.

At morning when I woke up moment ago, i was thinking I should have emphasised it more clearly, like displaying a message at beginning of game that after level 2, rest are playable but not necessary, since now it probabaly creates confusion to some players, but with only less than 20 minutes left of submission time, i decided not to risk it making a new build with a message.

All in all, I think my game came out to retty good shape. It looks good etc. just lot of bugs, some minor but unfortunately some crash bugs, and those levels 3-5 failing, unfortunately dims the greatness of the game greatly. But all in all, I think when taking into consideration that it didnt really get properly finished, it is pretty nice entry. Basically biggest fall being lack of fine tuning levels, since that would make the game much better. Level 1 is half accidentally okay, and level 2s idea worked quite well right fromk beginning, so there isnt much I would have changed, mainly would have made corner houses look different, since right now they give one bug where robots might get through corners to the middle even they are not supposed to, but that is minor issue. Levels 1 and 2, they are okay, although by purpose easy, making them bit boring, as it was later levels that were supposed to be harder, not these two yet, but for many those might be the only levels they get to play.