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Thank you! 

Yes, i understand that, hand-tracking is really not  in a perfect state yet. But i think it could become more important in the future, when you e.g. see, that the apple device won't come with any controllers at all (at least at the beginning). So wanted to experience with it a bit more. 

I also agree, that there was in the end nothing in the game, what not also have worked with controllers. Still thinking about real useful features for it. So just out of curiosity, do you have maybe any ideas, what i could have integrated, what would have only worked with hands?

Personally my biggest problem with hand tracking is that I don't feel anything in my hand when I'm grabbing something and that breaks the immersion a little bit for me. In your game holding thin stuff like the tablet work a little bit better on this, but I feel things like paper or stuff you don't generally feel in your hand while grabbing would be a lot better for this input method.

Ah ok, yes that's actually true, good points, thank you.