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Machine Meza

A member registered May 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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The QWOP/Octodad like controls using the VR motion controllers were so much fun and really well polished and implemented, although at first they weren't very intuitive, so I would recommend adding a small tutorial of some sorts in the beginning. It was a really good experience and in the future adding things like dialogs, missions and experimenting with the position of the player camera could lead to a very awesome game. Amazing job, one of my jam favorites.

Thanks for playing. I've been checking some real life packaging stations lately and it seems like the box is usually set in a 25-degree angle precisely so that it's easier to reach the top of the box. I'll consider adding that on an update to make it easier to close then.

A little bit confusing at first, but once you understand the mechanics it gets more intuitive and fun. The whole aesthetic of the environment is really well done, both the graphics and sound. The simplification of the mechanics into pushing buttons and pulling doors allowed you to make a much more complex loop which I enjoyed, I tried a similar concept in my game and just the closing box mechanic gave me enough headaches for the entire 7 day jam, so congratulations on that implementation. I did find a bug where if you open the sliding doors too hard it goes above the limit and doesn't allow you to use the machine, also aadding a small sound feedback after completing an order to let you know if you got it right or wrong would help the experience a lot. Nice game

Those are nice pro strategies to avoid being automated. Thanks for playing and for the feedback, I'll fix the visual bug on a next release

Really nice game, it is difficult to grab the packages, but personally I found it part of the fun as they kept slipping off my hands at the last second. I had a similar concept for my game and was thinking yours could be implemented without the need for artificial locomotion. Just put the conveyor bands around the player and that way it becomes a lot more accessible to people who are new to VR, check out my game to see an example of how it could be implemented.

PS: I got perfect score and didn't drop any babies, also I had the idea that maybe you could fix wait time by making the pelican come in a certain fixed order and time forcing you to move across the map to quickly get there before the Pelican does, I feel it would add a lot to the experience, though you would have to clearly define maybe with a light from the sky or something were the next drop zone is.

Great game, the world and mechanics were well made and I had some good fun catching babies. As many have pointed out the main problem was too much wait time for the pelican to appear, also a big indicator on where the next couple is would have helped. At least after the first one right next to the start of the game it wasn't clear where I was supposed to go, or even if had to go somewhere else after catching the first baby. Other than that I enjoyed the experience very much. Nice game

Maybe I'll add a small break room in a future update hehehe. Thanks for playing, I would love to play your game but I only have a Quest and can´t play PCVR., sorry for that,

Personally my biggest problem with hand tracking is that I don't feel anything in my hand when I'm grabbing something and that breaks the immersion a little bit for me. In your game holding thin stuff like the tablet work a little bit better on this, but I feel things like paper or stuff you don't generally feel in your hand while grabbing would be a lot better for this input method.

Thanks for the feedback, for the box I had to work with hinge joints, and they are a mess that tend to bug a lot. So I'll take a lot at that

Fun experience, the humor on the concept of login confirmations got me, and I congratulate you on a well done implementation of the hand tracking mechanics. Although I'm not a big fan of hand tracking and I feel that it didn't add much to the game, but that could be just my personal dislike of hand tracking. 

A really fun experience and very different from many others in the jam. There were some bugs on the collisions and interaction, but it didn't hurt the experience much. Loved the game. i'ts concept and presentation, great job.

Great atmosphere and such a fun game, a very interesting concept which was executed really good. I had a lot of fun, but the game was just too hard. I think it's okay for the throwing mechanic to be difficult, but maybe you could tone down the enemy spawning, damage or fire rate. Also, I'm not sure if the returning briefcase was able to kill enemies but leveraging that mechanic more would feel so much more badass. Other than that I congratulate you for a very solid submission to the jam.

Very fun and chaotic, once I ballparked the position of the belts I was moving and throwing things around like a madman, nice job. My only recommendation would be to make the first level a bit slower so that at least on that first try it's not so overwhelming

The aestethic looks really nice, the controls of the moped were very sensitive, fast and not very intuitive, but after I was able to kind of understand them it felt fun to go around so fast. Also on the 3rd level it didn't detect me finishing it and threw me out of the map so that's as far as i got.

I tried the APK on oculus quest 2 and the controls and grabbing were a bit  slow and laggy which don't allow the game to be experienced well. However, the aesthetic looks really nice

The environment seems trippy and fun, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Not sure if it was a bug, but I saw no menu or instructions. Only a bunch of objects in a weight scale, the scale then disappeared, and I was allowed to grab the objects and put them in sockets, but nothing more.

The concept of the game is great and the art style spectacular, the art amazingly takes advantage of the quest graphical limitations and together with the voices, music, effects and story they achieve great immersion.
The grabbing and throwing mechanics were a little bit rough, I'm not sure if that's by design even though I can tell an amount of frustration is part of the experience and made it fun and challenging.
I did find a bug in the end level menu where I was trying to press next level or restart, and it left me in a black void, I had to exit the game and come back to level selection to play all the levels (I played it on Quest 2 btw). Also, you could make the box tape another color, on my first game I lost because I believed all packages were red.
Aside from those two things this is a great game and I enjoyed playing it.

The concept is fun and those instructions definitely gave me a couple of chuckles. The  grabbing physics though weren't very clear or consistent, some objects I could grab easily and some I couldn't. I love the I Quit button, and it's the cherry on top to end the experience, but I ended up feeling the need to press it a little bit too soon. 

Thanks, I've been trying to balance the difficulty to make it challenging but fun, so any feedback on that is helpful.

Loved the concept and execution of the game, as someone who likes history I enjoyed it a lot. At first, I was skeptical about the low poly toon aesthetic, and it definitely doesn't do justice to the horrible hopeless trenches of WW1, however it made it a lot more fun and I enjoyed gaining points by killing enemies more than I feel I should have. The game has a lot of features for a 1-week jam and I congratulate you for what you achieved, but understanding all the feature took a while and a little bit more of guidance on that side would improve the experience. Amazing job

Understanding the controls wasn't easy, so the game would benefit a lot from an initial tutorial. Controlling the drone was challenging but that made it interesting, and the whole concept has a lot of potential, switching between looking at the screen and watching the drone fly was fun. The environment looks nice and well done, but I played it installing the APK on Quest 2 and there was some annoying Z fighting around the doors of houses and where the pickable objects, if you can fix that it would improve the experience a lot.

It also crashed for me a couple of times after some minutes of playing on the installed apk, but I enjoyed the minutes I was able to play. As someone who likes and knows about geography it got a little bit too easy after I understood the mechanics, maybe in the future you could add more levels where we get non-capital major cities, minor cities. Classification by continent, flags, map ETC... Nice concept and I'd love to play a more complete version later on.

Since I didn't have much time to do a fully fledged tutorial, I suggest watching the trailer/demo video before playing it to get a hang of the mechanics. https://youtu.be/_JgmwgbijL4
Have fun... And don't get automated.

You can definitely hurt the big enemies but they have such a huge life bar that it's impossible to kill them, they were meant more as an obstacle as you mention, but i'm considering adding powerups to the game that might make it less impossible to kill them. Thanks for playing

Thanks for playing, i'm going to add a couple of updates post jam focusing on polishing some of the animations and later on adding things like power ups, extra lifes and a boss battle to experiment a little bit with the design and make it a little bit longer to see where it can go.

(1 edit)

An interesting game, i like the idea of the two stories but i feel it could be a lot better if the stories combined a little bit more to make a lot of different combinations. However both stories are funny and the artstyle and music fits really well.

The games controls were too sensitive and not very well told to the player, but the concept seems fascinating if you can develop it a bit more. Also it would be good if you allow fullscreen.

Funny title, fun gameplay and some nice level design that was challenging and fun. Short but sweet

Managed to make it to 93 and made peace with my demons. The aesthetic is simple but having the skulls always chasing me and seeing their shadows in the distance gives it a small sense of anxiety and fear that i really enjoyed, it also made me feel powerful when I had the swords and was ready to face them. I would recommend making the initial screen a lot faster when replaying, the game forces you to be very fast paced and having the slow paced initial screen that i have already seen kills the mood a little bit. Good game 

A little bit complex but once you get the hang of it, it's really fun. The names and small events gave me a lot of nice moments and chuckles with the villagers and made me fear for their lives when an attack came. Good job making the game.

A really creative game and a good combination of game mechanics. Matching the notes was definitely too challenging, some type of redo is needed to make it more approachable though

Yep, i was able to play all levels and there was some really good level design combined with all of it. Great game

Such a nice artstyle and graphics combined with a really creative mechanic and some really good polish of many small details. Amazing job

Nice idea for the mechanic and great implementation. The time definetly makes it a little bit tricky and challenging but also fun

You can never go wrong with the classics. Nice implementation

A little bit difficult and sometimes RNG based but a nice game with a good story to go with it. 

Liked the fast paced plattaforming it was a lot of fun, though by spamming the fire button i pretty much just killed all enemies before i could see them. nice experience with a fun design.

Great game idea, and the all 3d plataforming gives it a little bit of a challenge but also a lot of freedoom to be creative and also to mess up. However it seems like the UI is bugged so i couldn't restart after dying and i couldn't keep going after the first level. Hope you can fix that because the other levels seem interesting from the screenshots

The concept seems fascinating and it can be a very simple but fun strategy game, but i found the controls and instructions not very clear, not sure about the requirements for each building, what they will give me exactly, why i can or cant build them, what they do once they are built.