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My heart is screaming over this chapter., especially the end. The build up of tension in this chapter is amazing. Played through August's route first. So yeah, my heart is in pieces on the floor. I'm about to go play through some of my other favorite routes but I really need to ramble about this chapter! ***SPOILERS BELOW***

I so wanted to be wrong about Harry. I started suspecting something was amiss rather early in the game, but man. I wanted to be wrong if only for August's sake. Choosing to lie to Harry and seeing August's reaction, my heart actually dropped out my chest until he nodded in understanding. Being in a very small room with a mental unstable and dangerous man? Yeah, we're taking the cautious route. sdkjhfkdsfg 

And talking with everyone about what to do? I've never felt so conflicted about my own decisions in a VN. I bounced back and forth on what I wanted to do in the beginning before finally settling into a firm decision. Actually getting to talk to people about it, though, and see their honest reactions was wonderfully immersive and hit me in the gut a few times when it seemed like I'd disappointed someone. I had thought maybe there was hope to bring him back to some semblance of reason but after that? Wow, angry and disappointed and sad and all of the emotions. Bravo on wonderful story telling and managing to breathe so much life into all the characters. I really do adore all of them. Well, maybe not Aurora but I have a hunch that feeling is probably mutual. XD

Thank you for your thoughtful comment and for playing! ✨