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I have downloaded the mac file already. I'm just having some trouble with finding the application

Hmmm, do you have a downloads folder?  I'd recommend searching for a file called  . Once you've located that you can right click and click " open with" and select "archive utility" in order to unzip that file. Then once it's unzipped, you should see a new file appear labeled CrimsonHydrangea and once you double click the game should start playing. 

If it still doesn't work I'd recommend either downloading or troubleshooting with to make sure that it's compatible with your mac.

I've unzipped the file and I can't find the game app.

I'm gonna try other things and will get back if anything comes up

How strange! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to help you out. If you do find a solution please let me know. Good luck Phantomflower08!

So I figured it out LOL...I downloaded the PC file of the game and it works. so my mac laptop works better with PC apps/files...than with mac files....I feel betrayed but grateful that I can play your game. Will post again after I've finished my run

Oh that's so weird! I'm so glad you figured it out though! Hopefully if someone else runs into the same issues they'll see this comment thread and use your method.

I also hope you enjoyed it and that Day 1 was worth all of the struggle it took to download! <3