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Definitely a little confusing at first since I couldn't seem to move while the menu was up and I was worried I wouldn't be able to move around the room. The instructions might be better up on the wall where you start at near the menu if you are going to lock people in like that. Throwing felt really off for some reason like my hands would freeze often when throwing stuff. Not sure if the extra stuff was just there to be in the way while you sorted mail. The space felt kind of liminal and I liked that. I do think large mail intake trays might have been a little easier to work with. Being able to change hands and bodies was pretty cool. I like that there was an I quit button that straight up closes the game. Good job including multiple locomotion styles but I do think it would be better to have it start with teleport because you would have to smoothly walk over to the table to find out you can switch it, might be better as an option in the menu. The reason I say that is some people can't handle smooth movement or they get really sick and it basically limits anyone like that from finding out teleport was even an option. The table seemed tiny and it made me really confused about the scale of the world and if I was the right size or not.

Thanks for playing and providing feedback. The extra stuff is supposed to get in the way as people use the chute for trash as well lol. I do need to work on scaling objects as something that's still odd for me to get right.