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Its a fun game, I got what i needed to do and what I should avoid immediately. I got stuck on level 7,8 though but that's because I'm bad. The difficult setting you mentions would be a nice idea, maybe something like limited times to change directions or have a cooldown on when you could change direction would be cool as different gameplay ideas. Nice job!


i actually wanted to start out only letting the player hit the space bar a certain number of times in each level for more of a puzzle game, think when i revisit this im gonna add that as a different game mode or something, or i'll remake the game when i get better and add that. thanks!

I like that idea. You could have a casual or pro gameplay options. 


yes yes or my original original idea was to make the player perpetually move toward the mouse and only stop when players "break" by hitting the spacebar, but it would bug out too easily depending on where the player moves their mouse off screen so i modified it 

i wanted it to be more of like a puzzle game where u had to time your breaks