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Things still missing:

Thought I list some things I would still have more or less liked to add.

I actually meant there to be more variety in weapons that attack robots, but actually my solution worked well enough that there was no need for more. But one thing I was thinking was that some of the weapons had been hidden in buildings. That some people would by purpose try to get Robots near some hidden weapon (robot following to shoot, people running near the trap) and then that hidded weapon would come out of hiding and start shooting the robot. Like someone with rocket launcher hiding in buildings.

Another one I would have liked to do was that sometime people would have ran out of road just to some edge of screen ny purpose to escape (they do that now accidentally), however, this would have included checking if robots are coming from that direction, and in that case running the opposite direction. Like running away from robots towards free direction. I had an idea how to do this already, but just didnt have time.

Bit similar was having walls (just lines in map) and after robots had passed this line, people would have seen them and start running. This had been to do with the verse in question.

One thing I almost got there was people with guns. There actually are people with guns in levels, but they dont use them. Idea was to create bit of apocalyptic chaos feeling that every now and then, when robot was in same square with people with gun, those people would shoot small damage to robots. This way in time some random robots would hav died just from shooting people, as right from beginning my thought was that player is not supposed to get through the game without any casulties, but that there would always be some casulties. That regardless what strategy they choose, there would always be casulties. Therefore, no perfect strategy, also giving replayability value.

Coders were right after people with guns on my list. Coders basically are there in levels 3-5 but not very well. Right now they are randomly placed, and if they happen to get near edge and run out of screen to escape, then you have already failed. I meant to drop them to ceratin specific location each time so that player would always have a chance at winning, since all coders need to be killed from level (at least i think so, i didnt actually test levels 3-5 when i noticed i had other problems with them).

Regarding coders I had this fun little idea which is bit of a shame it isnt there. Idea was that there had been maybe 5 lines of text being displayed on screen somewhere, telling what is happening, like "Unit 3 took 20 damage", "2 people killed". Among these texts had been dead coders. In game, there had been total of coders exact to the amount of entries to the competition, and each of these coders have had name. Name had been one of the other competitioners names. So therefore there could have came a text like "Coder IrmaDeLeon killed".

I figured it had been fun little thing there.

On much longer away on to do list, that I for last days never seriously even thought I could make it, but I anyway had this idea that each level woudl give you XP based upon how many people you killed. Each kill is one XP. Then with this XP you could have bought upgrades. Like faster shooting, faster walking, more strong shooting, More HP or + 10 Robots. Never got even close to doing that.

And much better instructions. That is the thing that is missing most. Now player might be feeling too confused all around. Especially when considering that even the instructions provided arent very clear. Like instructions show there are people with guns, but as they are in pracitce no different than regular people, it will probably just bring a question mark to people. And there is no picture of coders there. In addition, there are some extra info that is confusing. I think one of the levels reads there are 5 coders and kill goal is only 3, when actually you need to kill them all. Would have otherwise liked to place the text better way too. But it was one of the sacrifices when time was running out that it is good enough and other places are more important.