LOVE the map. can really put the big machines to work.
some feedback from playing:
GCEC has problems with Deliver pathing, have not found tractor that can do it
Field 123 has bad masking on northern edge, leads to almost-uncompletable spreader missions with a 12m spreader
small fields (101-106) need borders checked for masking, 101 has bad south edge and Courseplay can't separate 102-103
Field 6 has bad masking on south border
Farmer's Market (Southeast) requires Small or 4WS tractor for delivery pathing, splines take it too close to the building with a sharp approach turn
Field 121 cannot be reliably pathed-to
access road to Field 118, 140 is not drawn on map but does have pathing splines
Road T west of Johnson's Farmer's Market is too steep for most vehicles to handle when loaded, AI doesn't know not to path there. similar with the divided highway up to Northeast BGA, also very steep spot on the road between F126-F163
long trucks reliably get hung up on the guard rails when turning at the east end of Main Street (between F113-F115) and southwest end of Divided Highway near Strawmarket