Pixel art for today based on videogame Super Star Force for game system, NES. Game is cool and with excellent graphics.
And this is my drawing about the same theme. Space is huge. And there are lots of things in space. It was found planet with purple plants. And they are giving a purple color to all the planet. And it has mountains with sand stone color. And there are sand stone creatures of huge scale, they are living in this planet. And they are made of stone and sand and they are as big as dinosaurs. Big frogs, with height as mountain. They are most common creatures here. They can throw plasma balls as self-defense. And they have a big constructions and buildings. Every building is huge. So, there, they have a big machines. And space ships. So, mainly they just living here. And one of the entertainments for them – it is to catch a pilots, that fly to this planet.
So, they can speak with pilots and try get some knowledge. About where also exists big stone planets with grass. And then pilot can go. But first they try to catch. So, anyway, they are big frogs. And with intelligence.
Your friend, pilot of spaceship lost in this space sector. And you are flyting to the frogs. To get know, where is he.