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(1 edit)

[spoilers for endings]

Haha! I'm so glad you liked Hugh's ending! I've never written anything quite like it, so it was fun writing it out to it's conclusion. There's something about big red buttons that say "Do Not Push" that I'm just so drawn towards in video games. I just wanna push them! and then when things blow up exactly how they said they would I'm like "Hehee, I died. :D". 

And that's a really interesting question about Dr Frank! I've been thinking about it all day after I read your comment. I didn't want to explicitly mention it in game, but most likely Dr. Frank is no longer alive by the time of Butterblue. I usually love interlocking stories set in the same world, but seeing characters from one story grow old and die in the background of another story makes me so sad!!! It bums me out so much that I try avoid it as much as possible, even though I know realistically they would not live forever. 

Dr. Frank is someone who is love with the idea of discovery and pushing the boundaries of what can be done in a way that ties into his own self-esteem so that the question of "SHOULD this be made possible?" isn't something he would naturally think on his own. It's not that he doesn't care, he's just so caught up in his own personal sphere of influence that he loses the forest for the trees. If he were aware of what his research ultimately was used for, he'd be really horrified I think. It definitely would cause him to think over what his own actions have ultimately led to.  :( 

Maybe its a good thing he's not aware of what Isaac and co. are doing, in a way. 

Thank you so much for playing!!!!! :D

oh dear. indeed, he doesn't need to know B)