as before, i shared the demo around. my friend with the toaster confirms he can play this new version, so whatever the previous issue was it is now gone for good
i love the big machine gun, which i assume is new. that and the triple laser makes for a powerful arsenal
i love the unknown maps. the first one was cozy, the second one was tough and it ended my run. i wouldn't touch anything there - it really feels like i'm stepping into mysterious unknown territories.
i haven't got a single complaint or issue that i think needs addressing. i guess if i had to think about it, the difficulty curve is weird due to how hard level 1 is compared to picking the open map on level 2, but this is clearly a preference on my end.
a running spikey boy had the aoe-wizard-casting guy in front of him as he charged, which meant that he pushed the wizard towards me. it was a fun sight to see.
will buy this on day 1.