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glad i was able to play. my furthest run was until cathedral 3, a few rooms in. i got unlucky with some rooms that had very little space to move around in and i got rocketed to death by a fat guy. i think you could benefit from a gimmickless room type, without the laser pillar and  water - just a big open room with plenty of space. some cathedral 1 rooms had it, but then things just get more cramped with bigger enemies making it difficult to maneuver. there were some small issues, such as

>enemy hitbox exists before they 'teleport' in, meaning i can shoot upon entering a room and hit them
>barrels and blue .. things? exploding barrels? sometimes dont shatter
>right click attack got stuck, needed to switch to to sword/board to reset it
>sword and board feels completely useless. the range of melee is also too small to hit anything without being hit myself
>mana meter for standard weapons lacks a purpose. i hold down LMB and RMB when i enter a room, and stop once everything is dead. my mana is well in acceptable ranges, even without any upgrades. perhaps mana should be 50max (perhaps this is a difficulty option? i played on normal)
>the player's lightsource is weird when moving close to an object. pressing your face against your vatican-space-pod thing at the start of the game makes it dark, due to the lighting being blocked
>enemy textures are too dark. all enemies feel like shapes without any details on them due to the texture colors. i can tell they're there, they show off once i'm closer, but during a fight i can only really see the details on the sword carrying enemy. everyone else is too dark to get a proper read. i get this might be to either cover up the AI textures, or some other limitation, but personally i'd up the brightness on all enemies by a lot
of course, there are also plenty of positives
>i like the atmosphere, style and design of things. i also like the rather abstract art and item designs
>the weapon wheel and multiple projectile types are very fun. having "builds" with different left/right hand weapons is always a delight in FPS games
>the enemy designs are very imaginative, even with the AI art on top of them. 

either way it was very fun blasting things around. there is clearly a lot of improvement since my last playthrough. since ive read that you could use some motivation to continue on this project, let me tell you that it's worth it. i hope that you will continue developing it despite the hardships, because you have a fun game on your hands. keep it up.


Thank you for feedback and your kind words! Motivation has been an issue but after every break I picked the game up again and continued. I'm in so deep I can't just stop now.

Those are excellent points! I'll address every single one of them in future versions. I plan on including some new content (new catacombs level, new bosses) and completely overhaul the combat system for the next version. And yeah, the enemies are dark to hide the bad textures lol. I tried increasing albedo but they look better when they're dark.