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(1 edit)

Thank you :-) 

Do you have sound enabled? Actually it's "3D-Sound", just follow the ringing ;-)

(Hint: you can "open" some furniture/drawer/cupboards)

or addition: If you really can't find it (because actually should be pretty obvious as soon as you found the spot), then maybe you touched it accidentally and it did flow somewhere behind or so. Tried to avoid that as good as possible, but time was just bit  too short to completely finetune all colliders^^

In this case you maybe  should restart the app. 


I'll have to give it another go! It did feel like it was RIGHT in my ear but I was looking all over the place and couldn't find it. I may have knocked it lol.

Hmm, that is good to know actually. Maybe it layed accidentally on your head or so. Have not thought about that option. Would be a bug probably... have to investigate that, thank you.

Hope this time you've more luck^^